Wanton You

Our fantasies, reminiscences, and experiences.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Not dead!

It's a bit embarrassing to see how long it's been since our last post. I can't say I have anything very sexy to post at the moment, so instead I'm going to write about why that is.

Todd and I started this blog while temporarily separated due to travel. Being away from home always sparks my libido, and it seems to be accentuated if Todd isn't with me - absence makes the heart grow fonder, and all that. Unfortunately, most of the time, my libido is nowhere near as strong as I'd like it to be.

It's kind of a difficult thing to come to terms with, because I used to think of myself as a very sexual person - as a teenager and then college student, I rarely lacked for desire (or partners). It was a great time, very exploratory and really just lots of fun. But over the last several years (I'm now in my mid-twenties) my baseline libido has been much lower, albeit with some excellent high points like the first 6-12 months of my relationship with Todd. So I really feel like I've lost something that used to be part of me. I know what I'm missing!

There's no shortage of possible explanations for this - stress, lack of novelty, medication, reaction to painful sex (long story), whatever. Lately I've been thinking that this is actually my real baseline, and the reason I used to be so much more sexual was the hormone storm of adolescence. But maybe I'm wrong.

This has been the subject of much thought, so I have a lot to say. More in future posts.
